Memoir Workshop

Last Week of May in Listowel, Kerry, Ireland. There are still a few places left on my workshop in Listowel at the end of May. We had a wonderful time last year. If you are in Ireland and fancy joining us, here are the details. Do come along. I would love to see you there!…

Champs Elysees at midnight

The Olive Farm

It is very dark here and silent. Very early morning. I am up and at my desk before dawn. The quietude here seems a long way away from the frenzy of Christmas and holidays and shopping. I love these silent hours when all I hear is the heartbeat of life, which is the dogs (and…

Autumn Equinox

Autumn Equinox

The Autumn Equinox is upon us already; the year seems to have reached this point too fast, don’t you agree? Yesterday morning, I stood on the terrace looking out to sea, inhaling that wonderful sense of tranquillity I feel when contemplating the water. Suddenly, I was aware that there was a very distinctive squeaking sound…

Stop Press

Hello Everyone, If you are lucky enough to find yourself along the Côte d’Azur on Saturday 21st July, PLEASE come along and say hello at the English Book Centre in Valbonne any time between 3.30 and 6.30pm. There will be refreshments and nibbles and plenty of copies of THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER and THE LOST GIRL…