A Special Easter Giveaway
Dear friends,
My lovely publishing team at Michael Joseph, Penguin, has teamed up with Goodreads to offer a copy of THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER as a special Easter gift to one lucky reader. The offer is open for entries from Friday 25th March until Monday 4th April.
It is open to readers from the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland and the Isle of Man.
Have a look across the Home Page here to the right and you will see some of the early reviews for the book, which have all been fantastic. And they are still coming in, and they are still fantastic. We are all thrilled.
Here’s the link for the Goodreads Giveaway. Good Luck and if you win, please let me know what you think.
There will be a Newsletter coming out soon. In the meantime, have a wonderful Easter.
Enjoy your reading and thank you for being here