February 2017
- Imidacloprid is a terrifying chemical used on much of the world’s fruits and vegetables — and it’s wiping out our web of life from bees to insects. Now Canada could ban it, but industry bullies are lobbying to protect their multi billion-dollar product. Let’s get Canada to stand strong! Add your name to flood the government with our voices to block the bullies and back the bees: Back the bees! Call on Canada to ban this chemical.
- I find this very worrying after so many years of fighting for awareness for these and all pollinatorshttps://www.theguardian.com/environment/2017/feb/10/trump-rusty-patched-bumblebee-extinction-regulations
- This is worth your time http://ideas.ted.com/what-is-it-about-bees-three-experts-discuss-why-theyre-fascinating-why-theyre-dying-and-what-can-save-them/
- https://www.facebook.com/theguardian/videos/577812755739825/