Happy Days
Hello from a very hot South of France. (currently 34C)
The announcement of the news announced today in The Bookseller (link below) has been such a LONG time coming – I have been busting for three months to tell you. I have moved to Penguin Books. I am to be a Penguin author! I am so thrilled and proud. We are starting off with a two-book contract, two adult fiction novels. (see the outline of the first in the link)
The Forgotten Summer will be published early next year (2016). It is very exciting.
So, I am spending these hot days working on a few editorial notes before the book goes to print etc. The jacket is being designed now and I hope to have a sneak preview for you soon.
Please pre-order. Or come and see me at the France Show at the end of January at Olympia (see Events) when we hope to have a few advance-of-publication copies for sale.
Once the editorial notes have been delivered, I will begin to write the second novel, details of which are a secret!!
I have also just completed my third Kindle Single. I will have more news on that for you soon.
Amazon.de is still listing The Girl in Room Fourteen and Hotel Paradise (in German translations) as Numbers 1 and 2 in their Kindle Singles list.
For those who prefer to listen to books. These two Kindle Singles are now available unabridged as audio books.
Farm and home news
My wonderful mother was 91 on Sunday – amazing. So young and sprightly with a mind as sharp as a pin – and one of my twin stepdaughters threw a family engagement party on Saturday so we celebrated with the youngest and the oldest family members in the Perigord region of France. It was a weekend full of joy and happiness.
My Mum on the last day of being 90, en route to our family engagement party.
So, all in all, this is proving to be a memorable and special summer.
This Praying Mantis came and sat with us at lunch today. Because our farm is organic, such creatures are in no danger from chemicals here on this land.
One horrid fly in the ointment is that the British government has just approved the use of neonicotinoid pesticides again on crops. This is a very harsh and worrying blow for the environment and UK wildlife. If you care about this, why not drop Cameron and his team or your local MP a line to express your concern?
Back to work for me now and then an early swim.
Please keep popping onto the website to read the latest news and thank you for reading this
All good wishes,
I am enclosing a few pics of our summer days to share with you the sunshine we are enjoying. These photos taken by my husband, Michel, are of plants in our garden