June 2014
- I sincerely hope this is not true. I am posting it so that any of you who reads this in the States can look into it for us all.
http://www.globalresearch.ca/illinois-illegally-seizes-bees-resistant-to-monsantos-roundup-kills-remaining-queens/5336210 - Friends, if you haven’t signed this, please do.
https://www.rainforest-rescue.org/mailalert/953/red-alert-for-bees-support-the-eu-pesticide-ban - Please can we post this on BEE page? I hope the link opens correctly
https://www.facebook.com/GMOFreeUSA/photos/a.468695639837571.108816.402058139834655/778403705533428/?type=1&theater - It is heartening that some journals are printing the facts. These neonicotinoids are in our food chains too. This is vital information http://www.independent.co.uk/environment/pesticides-linked-to-mass-bee-deaths-also-affect-other-friendly-organisms-including-birds-and-fish-9557959.html
- If you want to do something positive towards restoring bee populations, here is what you can plant but PLEASE buy organic or from trusted nurseries because the others use neon’s to grow the plants and when the bees visit they absorb the pesticides with the pollen http://www.filbertsbees.co.uk/pages/plants-for-bees