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February 2017
Imidacloprid is a terrifying chemical used on much of the world’s fruits and vegetables — and it’s wiping out our web of life from bees to insects. Now Canada could ban it, but industry bullies are lobbying to protect their multi billion-dollar product. Let’s get Canada to stand strong! Add your name to flood the…
February 2015
Thank you Michael Sutton for this informative little film about honeybees: "Apis Mellifera: Honey Bee" a high-speed short from Michael N Sutton / @MNS1974 on Vimeo. I have signed this. Perhaps you would like to as well? It is good to hear that British urban bees are surviving and should point the way for…
August 2016
This is very important news
February 2013
I wrote to the EU yesterday reiterating my concerns about the diminishing health of honeybees due to the ongoing use of neonicotinoud insecticides. Here is their response. It is a small step but certainly not sufficient… We must continue to voice our concerns. The major industry players will certainly continue to make sure their position…
November 2015
I think this worth reading: This has been sent through to me from Texas. You might like to contribute and help save the bees This is fun: URGENT : If you wish to help the bees against the dangers of neonicotinoid pesticides, please sign this petition. It needs another 12,000 sigs before…
December 2013
Another little blessing from the honey bee There is a Facebook page worth looking at called Beyond Pesticides One of its posts is the following which those of you in the States who are concerned for your bees might want to sign. In Europe, we have begun our two-year trial ban on Neonicotinoids.