September 2012
Have any of you seen this film?
Have any of you seen this film?
I have just returned from a brief trip to the Yorkshire Dales, the old haunts where we filmed All Creatures Great and Small. I discovered some terrific initiatives happening there. Do take a look at these links: » »
If you live in the UK you might want to sign up for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. They do sterling work in creating awareness for the bee communities. Many of which are being put on endangered species lists, which is very concerning indeed. Here are their details: Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Registered Charity No:1115634 / Scottish…
Please sign this, if you agree we must uphold the ban
If you are in the States or can access this, it is worthing signing. Presidential support for bees would certainly help
This one is a bit urgent. Deadline 22nd December to sign, Please USA, sign this. I have. Thank you. Friends of the Earth U.S. : Tell the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: suspend neonics now! We only have until December 22nd to comment and tell the EPA to protect bees, not chemical companies’ profits, and suspend…