
Celebrating Film

By the time you read this, the 68th Cannes Film Festival will have packed up its wares and the pantechnicons will be back on the road. The awards will have been handed out and celebrated at illustrious parties, Elton John will have hosted his annual Aids event, and the stars will be on planes flying…


Palmyra in Syria is a UNESCO World Heritage Centre. The news is reporting that ISIS has massacred children in this ancient capital. It brought back this memory that I felt compelled to share… Palmyra. What can one say? The despair I feel is overwhelming. I spent several days alone there when I was writing, researching…

It’s all good news!

It is the time of the Cannes Film Festival and we are enjoying days that are as sunny and warm as midsummer. It makes for a great atmosphere down along the promenade and on the beaches at Cannes. No raincoats over evening dresses, so far this year. No umbrellas to try and keep the coiffed…


I am a little late to the table with this due to a heavy workload this week, so sincere apologies. However, better late than not at all because I think it is exceedingly important to mark this moment in our fight for the safekeeping of the honeybee, for all pollinators and for the natural order…

This is Homer

It has been a while since I have written a blog for this page and I apologise. Life seems to have overtaken me these last few months. Aside from my days of writing, I have been travelling, but a little less than usual. I have just returned from a short trip to Thessaloniki in northern…

On the train…

I  am writing this from the Eurostar on the way back to Paris. The France Show is over for another year, our Olive Farm lunch (anyone from the Olive Farm Facebook page who attends the France Show is welcome to join us for this annual event) is also behind us. Both were great fun. I…


I am writing this ahead of my regular blog date because I will be away on a work commitment and possibly without internet. Much could happen between today and the 26th… However… This month of January has been a tragic opening to the year of 2015. One of the murdered Charlie Hebdo team collaborated with…

Catalonia looking forward

This month, on 9th November, six weeks after Scotland voted to remain a part of Great Britain, ‘a self-determination referendum’ was held in Catalonia. The citizen participation process on Catalonia’s political future was originally the ‘Catalan Independence Referendum’ but was rebranded as a ‘popular consultation’ after the original was suspended by the Constitutional Court of…


This post will talk a little about my recent travels rather than promoting anything new in my work field. It is another ‘while-I-write-my-novel’ post. It has been a busy month in terms of travelling. I spent a week in Sicily – I have written about this for my 26th October post for the History Girls…


As I am writing a novel and there is not a whole lot of news to impart while I am embedded in the book, rather than lose touch I thought I would give a brief description of my days in and outside Paris. Due to the fact that Michel, my husband, has his studios in…

Ice Bucket Challenge

Ice Bucket Challenge

Here is me getting wet!!! The Ice Bucket Challenge has gone viral and for good reason. It offers a laugh at the sight of others suffering momentarily while creating awareness for a disease that I had never heard of before, ALS The ALS researchers are looking for funding to find a drug to help combat…

July on the run

July has been one of those months when, as they say, I hit the ground running. I am not sure that I have ever actually used that expression before, certainly not in connection with my own life, but it seems fitting this time. On 5th July, I arrived into Cork just before the start of…