June 2013
I like this Canadian initiative although I do not accept that Colony Collapse Disorder is the main culprit in the international bee deaths http://pleasebees.com
I like this Canadian initiative although I do not accept that Colony Collapse Disorder is the main culprit in the international bee deaths http://pleasebees.com
This Facebook page is wonderful, do take time to look through it. It offers many other links to Bee Awareness too. You may want to sign this petition This is fun – how to build a bumblebee nest This seems to be an excellent Dutch site from the university of Utrecht regarding the decreasing numbers…
http://qz.com/107970/scientists-discover-whats-killing-the-bees-and-its-worse-than-you-thought/ Here is a little about the Bumble bee rather than honeybees. Equally fascinating and equally necessary http://bumblebeeconservation.org/about-bees/lifecycle/ http://www.plosone.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0070182 Isabella Rossellini has a crazy series of films called Green Porno. The films relate the mating habits and rituals of various bugs and beasties Here is Isabella’s take on BEES http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUsm2N0f6GE
HM Government petition I, along with many others, including quite a few readers from my Facebook page, signed a petition last year to beg the British government to seriously and in all conscience consider the withdrawal of neonicotinoids pesticides from the market. These chemicals almost certainly damage the nervous systems of bees and other insects….
I have been sent this link by beekeeper in Devon, England. It looks like a terrific way to get in touch with bees and beekeeping and to support them. http://www.naturalbeekeepingtrust.org/ for those of you living in or near the Hudson Valley, New York, this looks like a terrific organisation. http://www.ulsterbees.org/Ulster_County_Beekeepers/Welcome.html
This is very important news http://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-bees-neonicotinoids-idUSKCN10R1M5
Have any of you seen this film? http://www.linktv.org/video/8123/killing-bees-are-government-and-industry-responsible http://medicalnursingcare.blogspot.com/ http://www.huffingtonpost.com/annie-spiegelman/bee-deviledscientists_b_1884294.html?ir=Weird+News&utm_hp_ref=fb&src=sp&comm_ref=false#sb=583047,b=facebook