Opening chapter to my new novel THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER
Dear Reader,
As you will discover when you begin to read the first chapter of THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER, the novel is set on a magnificent vineyard in the south of France and opens during the harvest time. So, please, indulge your senses, inhale all the perfumes of the surrounding nature and drool over all those delicious meals that are being served to the hard-working pickers who are out all day labouring in the warm Provençal sunshine.
Jane Cambon is our heroine. She is married to Luc, the son of Clarisse Cambon, the proprietor of this estate. Of course, paradise is not interesting if there is no drama, no conflict and before long we learn that daughter and mother-in-law are at loggerheads with one another. Why? That revelation comes much later.
THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER is a love story on several levels: Jane’s enduring love for Luc, while Clarisse has her own secret love from the past. It is also my love, my celebration, of Provence and all that this wonderfully rich land has offered me.
Fruit, perfume, wine – litres of it, olive oil (of course!), freshly-grown organic vegetables, passionate weekends in Paris, bicycle rides to the beach, swimming in deserted Mediterranean bays, secrets from the past, days of falling in love… THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER
I hope THE FORGOTTEN SUMMER will take you on a journey of surprises, unexpected twists and turns and will whisk you away to one of the most beautiful places on earth.
Enjoy and let me know what you think…
Thank you