October 2019
- If you are in the UK, you might spare the time to help with this survey. All knowledge and participation helps protect our furry friends. Thank you www.smartsurvey.co.uk/s/BumblebeeConservation
HM Government petition I, along with many others, including quite a few readers from my Facebook page, signed a petition last year to beg the British government to seriously and in all conscience consider the withdrawal of neonicotinoids pesticides from the market. These chemicals almost certainly damage the nervous systems of bees and other insects….
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/03/29/pesticide-lobby-bees_n_2980870.html From all across the United States, these reports of devastating honeybee losses are being reported.. http://www.prweb.com/releases/bees-honey-raw/mohawk-valley-trading-co/prweb10586699.htm http://goo.gl/exKfW http://sustainablepulse.com/2013/04/10/exclusive-interview-soil-association-policy-head-blames-pesticides-for-uk-bee-genocide/#.UWgsTb90VNR This is worth a look http://billmoyers.com/segment/“dance-of-the-honey-bee”/ This is heartening news..http://www.youris.com/Environment/Bees/
If you live in the UK you might want to sign up for the Bumblebee Conservation Trust. They do sterling work in creating awareness for the bee communities. Many of which are being put on endangered species lists, which is very concerning indeed. Here are their details: Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Registered Charity No:1115634 / Scottish…
Bees’ Gifts for your Valentine – please support this and share it http://salsa3.salsalabs.com/o/1881/p/salsa/web/common/public/content?content_item_KEY=13426 As an organic farmer and someone who fights for the protection of our bees, I request you please to sign this and to pass it on. If you don’t speak French: it is the plea of a young viticulture, Emmanuel Giboulot, who…
This is a very inspiring story. Do read. This is a worry but I am glad it is being highlighted Another fact of natural wonder
A very innovative way of creating awareness of honeybee loss: http://www.louismasai.com/#!outside-bees-2014/cnwh The Bee Cause. Dear Carol, Giant chemical company Bayer just tried to sue Friends of the Earth Germany over its claims that a pesticide called thiacloprid harms bees. They lost. The German judge ruled in Friends of the Earth Germany’s favour, saying that they had a right…